The TR Petroleum Advantages
Premium Canadian Fuels
Our 100% Canadian top-quality fuels consistently meet and exceed industry standards. The presence of “green characteristics” including ethanol and ultralow-level sulphur contents provide performance for engine and environmental benefits.
Commitment to Safety
With a commitment to safe and sustainable growth our sites, employees, and equipment adhere to the highest workplace and environmental safety standards. Training and safety protocols are present in every step of our product delivery and services.
Technological Solutions
We provide industry-leading technology like satellite automatic tank dippers to easily manage and monitor your fuel quantities and consumption so you can focus on running your operation.
Unparalleled Service
Our customers always come first, as proven by our reliable service, online requisition system, and 24/7 hour service response TR will not leave you empty. Find out how you can partner with us as a retailer, dealer, vendor or contractor.
Supply Security
As an independent wholesaler, not linked to anyone big-oil corporation, we source our petroleum products from multiple contract vendors which allows us to ensure supply security.